Account Settings

The Account Settings is a subsection of the Heru portal that allows you to manage Password setting such as password expiration, password complexity, and lock of user accounts.

The Account Settings is a subsection of the Heru portal that allows Administrators to manage Password setting such as password expiration, password complexity, and lock of user accounts.


Password Expiration: This setting allows you to choose the number of days before a password needs to be changed. You can set this option to 0 if you don't want your password to change.

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Password Complexity: This setting allows you to choose the minimal length of a password as well as if a password needs to include uppercase, lowercase letters, numeric characters, or special characters. 

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Lock of User Accounts: This setting allows you to set the number of invalid password attempts given to a user in a period of time before their account is locked out. This setting also allows you to set the time an account will be locked out before they are allowed to attempt to log onto the portal again. Screen Shot 2022-02-16 at 2.07.43 PM

If you set the remain locked by setting to 0 the User account will be locked until the Administrator unlocks their account by going to My Account and clicking on the lock icon on the right of the Contacts status.

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Once you click on the lock it will return the account to Active.

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