What do the lights on my Magic Leap 1's controller mean?

On your Magic Leap's controller, there are LEDs located around the touchpad that change color to indicate different statuses. Here's what each one means:

Battery Levels for Controller

Please note: the battery LED may take up to 3 minutes to appear once charging has started.


control5percentcharged.gif 5% Charged - Charge Immediately
control40percentcharged.gif 40% Charged
contrl60percentcharged.gif 60% Charged
control75percentcharged.gif 80% Charged
control80percentcharging.gif 80% (Charging)
control100percent.gif 100% Charged


Status Indicators for Controller


deviceresponse.gif Cardinal Force Response Indicators
justpaired.gif Just Paired
pairing.gif Pairing
reality.gif Reality
devicesearch.gif Device Search
sleep.gif Sleep
startingup.gif Starting Up
touchpadactivity.gif Touchpad Activity
updatingfailure.gif Updating with Failure**
updatingsuccess.gif Updating with Success
thermalfault.gif Thermal Fault
bootfault.jpg Boot Fault
awake.gif Awake
shuttingdown.gif Shutting Down



Product is continually advancing and may be different depending on your version of the software and hardware 

**Must connect the control to the lightpack via a USB-C cable, if this does not work please reset the control by pressing the bumper, and all at once


Original article from MagicLeap.care can be found here: https://www.magicleap.care/hc/en-us/articles/360011483771-Control-LED-Status-Indicator